
Riding with the CCRA (1919愛走動,協力車活動)

From 12/14, My daughter and I will participate in a week-and-a-half CCRA (中華基督救助協會) charity tandem bike venture starting at the southern tip of Taiwan (Kenting 墾丁 / Eluanbi 鵝鸞鼻), following the western (Taiwan Strait) coast and ending 10 days later after reaching Taiwan's northernmost point at Fuguijiao (富貴角). Nearly twenty bikes and forty people are participating and, hopefully, the ride will enjoy weather that is just a bit overcast and cool but dry. Is this asking too much? I hope not!

I'm looking forward to spending ten days on the road with Tara! ... A real father-daughter adventure.

Basic information on the event is posted (in Chinese) at: http://www.ccra.org.tw/active/content.asp?ID=46


Scott said...

Jeff: What a great event! I'm happy for you and Tara that you get to spend that time together. May the weather be nice and the seat be comfortable!

Todd Alperovitz said...

Sounds like it will be a good time! Have fun!

Bicyclesidewalk said...

Wow! That is something I would love to do! I have lived in Japan for the last 8 years...We are planning to move to Taiwan soon, (My wife is Taiwanese) - I can't wait to do some cycling.
Nathan Miller